Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Lenses

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of blindness in older people. A cataract surgery operates upon the cataractous lens in the aging eye in order to facilitate a clear image transmission through the retina.
An artificial intraocular lens (IOL) replaces the crystalline lens that’s removed during this surgery. It is small and comes in different levels of focus, same as your prescription glasses. The length of your eye and the curve of your cornea is measured by the ophthalmologist to set your IOL’s focusing power.
Intraocular lenses are generally made of acrylic or silicone. They also have a protective layering against the sun’s harmful UV rays.
Types of Intraocular Lenses
• Monofocal IOL – Monofocal IOLs are the most common form of IOL implants. These stay focused at a fixed distance unlike your natural lens which allows you to stretch or bend your eyes as you please. If your IOL stays fixed at a distance, you may require glasses to see close up.
• Multifocal implant – These implants take after glasses with progressive or bifocal lenses which enables the wearer to see things at different distances. Multifocal implants need a little time to get used to. Your brain could take up to several months to adapt to your new vision.
• Toric IOL – Toric IOLs are prescribed for individuals with astigmatism. Astigmatism makes vision blurry at all distances. Toric IOLs lessen astigmatism so you won’t require glasses to correct your vision after your surgery.
• Accommodating IOL – Accommodating IOLs are more flexible than other IOL implants because they mimic your natural lens, allowing you to focus at multiple distances. Again, you are less likely to need reading glasses after having an accommodating IOL implant.
Cataract Surgery
If a cataract is detected in your eyes, your ophthalmologist will ask to have it removed before it starts to take a toll on your everyday life. He may have you admitted to the facility for a day to perform the cataract surgery or recommend an outpatient procedure.
Preparation for Surgery
The eye specialist will advise you to follow certain steps in preparation for the surgery. He will measure your eye to find you the implant that fits your eye best. He may ask you to take eye-drops regularly during the time leading up to the surgery. You may also be asked to refrain from taking certain medicines and not wear contact lenses in the days preceding the surgery.
What to Expect During the Procedure
The ophthalmologist will numb your eye to begin with. Next, he will administer you a medication to help you relax and feel more comfortable during the surgical process. You shouldn’t be able to feel anything other than a slight pressure on your eye during the surgery.
A slight cut will be made through your cornea to reach your lens. The lens will then be broken up into pieces and removed little by little. The implant will be put into place next and the ophthalmologist will allow the cut to heal by itself without any stitching. The procedure is no more risky than any other surgical process. Some amount of redness or swelling may occur, but it is temporary and will subside in time.
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